Pet Diabetes



Managing a diabetic pet can be a stressful time, especially during the initial stabilisation period after diagnosis and if your pet becomes unstable during the course of the disease. The Freestyle Libre monitor is a human device that we can use on animals to allow us in the hospital, or you at home, to monitor glucose levels more easily for up to 2 weeks, and without your pet having to have repeated blood samples collected. As the device is made for humans, it is not suitable for all pets, and may not last for 2 weeks on all pets. It is less likely to work on very active, slim or itchy pets. The sensor is applied by us and sits on the outside of your pet on the neck, shoulder or lumbar area. This can then be read either with an app on your smart phone, or with a reading device if you are not able to get the app on your phone. On this video you can see our nurses reading the sensor on a phone using the app whilst the patient was in the hospital with us. The app then creates a glucose curve which you can send to us for interpretation so that the insulin dose can be tailored to what your pet needs.